"Green" has been considered a "bad" colour. I could think of two green emotions and they both are not my favourite - actually, they are both no one's favourite. This green combination caught my interest in the fabric store: the glossy, smooth satin and the crisp organza match perfectly for the dress. What girl on earth would want to wear a green dress?
I had a mission - to make the dress loveable. My "customer" is a young lady with a very precise taste. She also knows what she wants. If she does not like the colour, at the end of the day, I should probably wear it, or start looking for a Hulk's young daughter (assuming he has one).
I was thinking of a big, pink, satin belt tying on a bow on the back of the dress. Probably, when she sees the wide pink belt, she won't notice the green on the dress. But... oh, seriously?! Pink? On this green?
Uh, may be no...Small, but crying out-loud elements will do the trick.
I tried to work out every detail: cross stitched the "bolero", constructed the rose, saw the tiny closer on the back, over the zipper, and passionately attached the small bow on the puff, short sleeves (instead of using an elastic).
The result was unexpected - the dress changed couple of times in my mind and I, honestly did not know what it will turn out to be at the end. My hope was for a decent clothing for the upcoming violin performance.
She loved it. Ana loved the dress. I still have my suspicion that the rose played a certain role in it, but Ana played with the dress soon after. Actually, she gained a lot of applause, awards and medals with this dress last season.

What it takes to win is not only the dress, but a lot of work. She certainly did it well.
The "green", that did not bring out the envious weakness, nor angriness in the heart, but made the soul free and unexplored, as a spring planted seed, that just starts to grow.